Campaign Spotlight – Crazy California Claire

Okay, I’m getting into the Campaign groove this week, and that means there’ll be a lot of interviews. First off, to help fight off those Monday blues, I’m talking to Crazy California Claire.

Who is your favourite author?
I always find it really difficult when someone asks me to give a definitive answer to a question like this. My son always used to ask me what my favourite food/movie/toy/child was! I could never answer him either. So, I can tell you who I enjoy reading if that’s any good. I love Dr Seuss, especially The Lorax (can’t tell you how excited I am to see the movie). I love Lee Child, Robert B Parker, Janet Evanovich, Paulo Coelho, Jane Austin, JK Rowling, Dan Brown, I could go on and on. Picking only one would be the quickest way to the funny farm!

Out of your favourite two fictional characters – who would win if they got in a fight?
 Well, Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet often got into fights, but I think Pooh generally won, didn’t he?



Where, if anywhere, are your backup files?
 Backup files? Backup files? Oh my god, backup files!!

What advice would you give to all your fellow campaigners?
 I love the Campaign, but it’s very time consuming though. I would definitely advise not putting yourself on too many ‘lists’ initially. I did that the first time and just could not keep up with everyone on the 5 or 6 lists PLUS all the challenges and commenting on everyone’s blogs. Keep it simple, that’s my advice. But also, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

I am still quite new at all this blogging lark. I have only had my blog going since August last year, but love it. Who knew that there was this parallel universe containing so many wonderful and interesting bloggers! I originally started a blog to build a platform to promote my book, but then discovered how much fun it is to blog. I am in the editing stage of my book, a humorous memoir about how I reunited with my childhood sweetheart after not seeing him for over 30 years. I blog about whatever takes my fancy, whenever I can find the time to write.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Claire!

8 Responses to Campaign Spotlight – Crazy California Claire

  1. Donna Martin says:

    Lovely post, Caire, and great advice for those of us new to the campaign!


  2. Sally says:

    Great advice. Why do we have to have one favourite author – I have many including some classic writers although sometime I may not always like everything my favourite authors have written.


  3. Mina B. says:

    Back up files? Drat. Can’t we just use the clouds? LOL! Great interview.


  4. Backup files? Backup files? Oh my god, backup files!!

    Thanks for the reminder! I haven’t backed up in over a week, and that’s plenty of new stuff that needs to be backed up!


  5. claire says:

    Sadly for me, not much new stuff 😦 Thanks for commenting.


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