Weekend Writing Warriors – The Gnomes are Missing 12

Welcome friends, followers, and Weekend Writing Warriors!

I think this may be the last snippet I share from “The Gnomes are Missing,” so I’ll skip ahead and introduce a few characters I love, the dwarf champions.


Snippet 1 Snippet 2 Snippet 3 Snippet 4 Snippet 5 Snippet 6 Snippet 7 Snippet 8 Snippet 9 Snippet 10
Snippet 11

“Bloven, Nalfor, here are your companions for the quest, Kinwer the human child and Trish the pixie.”

Kinwer looked at Trish, but Trish was flying ahead to greet the two dwarfs approaching the alcove.

“So pleased to meet you,” Trish said, dipping respectfully in the air. “Trish of the Ruby Gardens, at your service.”

“Kinwer Barroley, at your service.”

“Thank you very much, for bringing us such an excellent quest to join,” Bloven said. “The clan has been at peace for decades. Some of our friends earned their pips by going high into the mountains and provoking trolls, but the trolls aren’t really so bad if you give them a chance, and Nalfor’s father is trying to make a treaty with them.”

Visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors at http://www.wewriwa.com/

7 Responses to Weekend Writing Warriors – The Gnomes are Missing 12

  1. Looking forward to reading the whole thing.


  2. Gemma Parkes says:

    Interesting characters, well written scene!


  3. I love watching this scene unfold. The dialog between the characters helps me get a better sense of them, as well as their mission. Great snippet!


  4. Great scene–looks like you’ve built an interesting world.


  5. Fun that they look for quests to fulfill. Love the worldbuilding – great snippet!


  6. looks like a culture where status is gained by warlike exploits but the government is turning away from war.


  7. caitlinstern says:

    Probably not the best idea to pick fights with trolls for the sake of fighting. But helping other people is a good way to earn some allies and get fighting experience.


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