Thank you for four hundred!

Well, this is my four-hundredth post, and I’d like to thank all of my readers for giving me the support and encouragement to make it this far.

And, so, what better time to send shoutouts to the most valuable people who have helped make the Kelworth Files what it is today. In alphabetical order:

Arlee Bird:  Arlee is one of the shining lights of the blogosphere, of course, patron of the A to Z challenge and a regularly seen avatar in the platform-building campaigns and challenges. I always look forward to seeing a comment from Arlee, be it about books, business cards, or public transit – and I’m looking forward to the 2012 A to Z! Thanks so much, Arlee.

Avatar139: Big shout-outs to the first guy to volunteer to be a guest post author for the Kelworth Files, of course. He’s also expressed some interesting thoughts in comments on my post, talking about his muse and his feminine side, LARPing, and writing for the money.

Barbara Evers:  Barbara was gracious enough to put up with my eclectic interview questions for a Campaigner Spotlight interview,  and she’s also been great about speaking up with encouraging comments for other interview spotlights, my Six Sentence Sunday pieces, and the Rule of Three blogfest story.

Brittany:  I haven’t heard that much from Brittany lately – it seems that she’s dropped out of the blogosphere indefinitely. 😦 But this special post wouldn’t be complete without a shout-out to her for all of her encouragement while the Kelworth files were starting up, the awards that she gave me, and her comments about critiquing, setting goals, and write-ins.

Catherine Johnson:  If I recall correctly, Catherine was in my crusader’s group for the second crusade. I’d like to thank her for her interest in netbooks, three-legged aliens, and dog-walking weather.

Donna Hole:  I first met Donna when she read through my Star Patrol blogisodes series, which didn’t get a great overall response. She commented on each post in the series so far, with some really good and specific feedback, which proved to be a guiding star when I took the Star Patrol storyline and made it my Nanowrimo project for this year. Thanks for all the comments, and have a great year 2012, Donna!

Elizabeth Twist:  Well, as some people might recall, I’m so fond of Elizabeth I gave her a spot in my A to Z challenge – under E, of course. But that was mostly about the Elizabeth that I know in person, so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank her for being such a good friend of the Kelworth Files blog, sharing her thoughts on critiquing, rejection, and Nanowrimo, among other things. Whoo-hoo!

Michael:  Michael was someone else I fought through the crusades with. We’re not still that close, but it does make me smile to see how often he’s been dropping by with a kind word, about Dragoncon, spiral-bound finished products, and alien dating chatrooms.

Regina:  For some reason, I postponed my umbrella rant in the A-Z challenge to feature Regina’s blog, Unsettled, and I think that won her over as one of my fans forever. I can feel the support aand friendship when I read her comments, whether she’s talking about the workshops that I didn’t get into, inspirational posters, or the arcane art of iphone app creation.

The Golden Eagle:  Eagle was another group-mate in the Second crusade – I guess I hadn’t realized how many good friends I made back then. I very much look forward to hearing her perspective on one of my posts – about editing, movies, or Mars.

Trisha:  Trisha’s another great writer I met on the crusading circuit, and we have a lot in common – right down to our inexplicably-only-lukewarm passion for Battlestar Galactica. Thanks so much for reading along and sharing my journey, Trisha!

And honorable mentions also to:

Alberta ross
Ciara Knight
Crystal (Little Bundle of Contradictions)
Jana Denardo
Lydia K
Nicole Gruebel
Savannah Chase
Sue (sassy)

See you at the 800 post line!

12 Responses to Thank you for four hundred!

  1. Congrats to you on the 400th post! 🙂


  2. avatar139 says:

    Hey, congrats and much thanks for the shoutout (and for using my handle instead of my name for reasons we won’t go into here ; )!

    Sorry I missed you on IM tonight, because I really wanted to congratulate you on all the time and toil I know you’ve put into feeding this (judging by the picture you posted ; ) mammoth machine!

    I’m really grateful for all the opportunities you’ve granted me to contribute, especially since I expect that most people after reading some of the rough posts I’ve shown you would be filing restraining orders against me rather than than just settling to forget to change their posting permissions, thus allowing me to keep on contributing, LOL!

    Here’s to (at least) another 400 and 4!


  3. 400? Wow! I’m approaching 200 and that feels like a lot. Congrats!


  4. Arlee Bird says:

    Thanks so much for this kind and totally unexpected mention.

    And congratulation on achieving your milestone 400th post. May there be many more to come.

    Arlee Bird
    Wrote By Rote


  5. Catherine Johnson says:

    Thanks so much for the shout out, what a nice surprise. Blogging is hard work and 400 posts is a fantastic achievement. Best wishes for 2012!


  6. Well done you 🙂


  7. Aww thank you Chris. I subscribe to your email so I may not always drop by your blog but I do get your blog posts in the email box.


  8. Woohoo! I thanks for the shoutout! And congrats on 400 posts. This is a most spectacular elephant, indeed.


  9. Congratulations on 400 posts! Here’s to another; and beyond. 🙂

    Thank you so much for the shout out!


  10. Trisha says:

    Aww, thanks for the mention 🙂 I’m happy to have met you! Glad to hear you are up to 400 posts, GREAT job!!!


  11. Chris, Congrats on # 400! Very impressive. I’m thrilled to be one of your MVPs, but you really are the MVP here. I was so excited when you interviewed me. Hard, but fun, questions. You do a great job all of the time.


  12. Regina says:

    What a great achievement thus far. You always inspire and have creative things to say in your posts. I know that you will achieve many more things in life if you stay your path and keep your passion about your work. I am very honored to be mentioned and glad to know that we are friends. Yes, I am a fan!!


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