Happy Family Day!

It’s Family Day here in Ontario, as well as some other parts of Canada, so I had the day off work. Family Day’s only been around for five or six years here, but it’s nice getting a Monday off in February, and that little gentle nudge to spend some time with your blood relations and so on.

This year, we had a little family reunion up in Kitchener, the first time I’ve seen my sister’s side of the family since Christmas. I showed my sister and brother-in-law some of the drawings stuff I’ve been doing lately, and showed my mother some of the features of my Kindle, since she’s been asking me about e-book readers lately. We were treated to an impressive mid-day roast beef dinner with roast potatoes and gravy, and the whole family spent a big chunk of the afternoon playing this intuitive concept-matching card game called ‘Apples to Apples.’

The game-play involves picking one of the seven ‘red apples’ in your hand to match the green apple that’s been turned up from the deck – the player who turned up a green apple picks whichever of the red apples match it best. For instance, I might turn up a green apple saying ‘irritating’, and the rest of the family could try to match it with cards saying ‘family road trip’, ‘Adam Sandler’, or ‘Poison Ivy.’ Whoever is judged to have the best match gets the green apple card, and each green apple you have at the end of the game earns you a point. I didn’t do great, but I ended up with three points at the end, and I had fun playing.

Tomorrow it’s back to the office. Long weekends are never long enough, huh?

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