T is for TV scripts

April 23, 2012

The Script Frenzy A-Z challenge so farā€¦

Television is one of the most popular script formats for Frenzy participants, even though you need to write more than one episode of a television show to get to the 100 page goal. (Or a mini-series.) And so TV scripts get a forum all their own on the discussion board.

There’s some interesting conversations taking place on the TV scripts forum this year:

  • Asking about the BBC drama format of listing day numbers and times for scenes, and how to handle flashbacks.
  • Talking about page counts and act breaks.
  • Mourning the deaths of major characters.
  • Debating the merits of working with an old plot bunny or starting from scratch.
  • Celebrating Doctor Who, Sherlock, and some other favorite shows, (and discussing writing spec episodes for them.)
  • Anime writers gathering together for mutual support.
  • Talking about ‘the standing sets for your show.’
  • The love of writing comedy.
  • Crime drama – should the criminal escape?
  • Tips and tricks for writing a pilot episode.
  • How to create your cast of characters.
  • Help – my miniseries idea has exploded in my brain, and it’s not looking so ‘mini’ anymore!

Have you ever wanted to write for television? What would you want the series to be?