Nanowrimo Spotlight: Sally Peddle

October 29, 2015

Good morning, friends and followers, and welcome back to my Nanowrimo Spotlight interview series. Today I’d like you to meet Sally P…

Hi! I am Sally and I am a Newfoundlander living in Alberta. I have been writing stories since I was in about 5th grade and I can’t stop. I get an idea and I have to get it out in print or else it literally consumes all my thoughts. I have been doing nano for the last 4 years and I have managed to squeak out a win each time. Last year was for sure the most difficult one for me because I decided to write something out side of my comfort zone (no action, not much drama, a minimum of…uh…love I guess). I was so bored with myself by the end of it that I promised myself that this year, no matter how typical it is of me I am going to stick with what I love and what I myself would like to read in a story. After all I am mostly writing for myself. I have no intentions to be published, even though I imagine it would be a delight to see a book of my own in print. If you want to have a looky loo at my nano profile here it is.

What are you writing about this year?
I initially had no idea but this past weekend I was in the mountains and I found myself getting inspired. Not so much by the mountains themselves but by a little tale about one of the hotels we visited. Seems that in the 1930’s a bride slipped to her death on a stair case there, on her wedding night no less. Not to say I find inspiration in tragedy but I did start feeling a spark. She reportedly haunts the hotel which got me wondering what if all this time she’s tried to possess other brides getting married at the hotel. Or what if she tried to run off the grooms? Or perhaps she’s lovely and helpful and adds beautiful, magical touches to weddings. OR maybe yet she spys on guests who look like her beloved and then one day one of them can see her. I obviously haven’t fleshed it all out yet but the ideas keep coming so I am getting very excited.


What is your favorite movie – you have to pick just one!
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