Campaigner Spotlight: The Restless Writer

Okay, today my spotlight falls on Sarah Perry, The Restless Writer – and I just love her blog title!

What’s your job like?

I am employed part time as a Librarian and full time as a mom.  It is really cool to be a librarian.  I love being surrounded by books and helping promote them.  There’s nothing like recommending a book to someone and then hearing that they really loved it.  In addition to books, we also help people with technology needs.  In this terrible economy, we help a lot of people with uploading resumes, faxing them and emailing them.  Even though the world seems to be fast paced and connected at all times, there are still many people who don’t own their own computers, have internet access or cell phones.  It’s rewarding to help them as well.

Do you tend to avoid conflict with other people or face it head-on?

I joke that I’m the most non-confrontational person you’ll ever met.  I hate conflict!  This doesn’t mean you can walk all over me though.  It means I weigh the importance of an issue before I get involved in a conflict.  Otherwise, I politely disengage.  Why stir up trouble when it’s just as easy to hold your tongue and move on with life?

What advice would you give to all your fellow campaigners?

I would tell my fellow campaigners to be open to new opportunities.  I took a chance with digital publishing, and as a result, I can call myself a published children’s author.  If I’d kept sitting on that manuscript, it wouldn’t be reaching anyone.  So try new things with your writing and don’t feel everything has to be the traditional route.  If you dream of holding that hardcover in your hands, you can still get your foot in the door another way.  And keep networking!  You never know who might be able to help you out in the future.  Which of our fellow campaigners is about to make it big?  Someone is on the cusp.  Maybe even several someones.  It’s an exciting ride and everyone has something valuable to share.

I try to make my blog an interesting mix of personal tales from the writing trenches as well as interviews with professionals in children’s publishing.  Stop by and check it out!


Thanks for sharing about yourself, Sarah, and for the great advice!

8 Responses to Campaigner Spotlight: The Restless Writer

  1. Like your answer to the second question – sounds like the response a well-read person would have!


  2. I always enjoy reading interviews, and this advice is particularly inspiring. Thanks!


  3. Sarah P says:

    Thank you for spotlighting me, Chris.
    Margo, thank you so much. That’s a huge compliment for me. 🙂
    Coleen, so glad the advice is helpful! I always hope, but you never know.


  4. Mike Offutt says:

    Congratulations on being a published children’s author. I’m gonna have to check out your blog.


  5. Great interview and great advice!
    I used to work in a bookshop so I know how wonderful it is to be surrounded by books and book-lovers all day 🙂


  6. Jana Denardo says:

    I like your blog title and great advice


  7. Regina says:

    I think it is awesome that you are giving props to other writers!


  8. Michael Lawrence says:

    Sarah’s blog is brilliant, her enthusiasm unbeatable, her talent unbounded. Watch that woman’s space!


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