Camp Nano Spotlight: Just Add Coffee

Hey there! If you just dropped in for the first time, or the first time in 2 weeks, I’m participating in the A to Z challenge and publishing interviews with 26 Nanowrimo Campers. Today I’m shining the spotlight on Nicole, who goes as ‘Just Add Coffee’ on the Camp Nano site.

How did you find out about Camp Nanowrimo?
I found out about camp from the main NaNoWriMo site. I’ve been doing the November event for years now, and kept hearing about Camp NaNo, and this year finally just decided to go for it. It’s a good excuse to get my November novel done.

Have you participated in Camp Nano before?
No, this will make year number one in camp.

Do you know what you’re going to write this year?
I do, thankfully. I am going to (try to) finish my novel from November, so that I can actually get around to editing it and making it functional and, hopefully, publishable.

What’s your favorite part of your Camp project?
Oh, that’s a hard one. I’d have to say the real-ness (yeah, I just made that word up) of my main characters. I feel like I’ve read too many novels where the hero either just blindly accepts that they have to do something great, or decide to do something great. There aren’t many where the main characters argue their destiny, and then find a way to make it their own. Or, if there are, I haven’t been able to find them.

Sneaky Ninja question! What’s your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?
Sit at home and either watch movies, or play video games. My current favorites are the LEGO games. LEGO Batman 2: DC Heroes, not as weird as I thought it would be. In fact, rather hilarious and fantastic.

For ArticleShameless article plugging! I’m working on building a collection of articles on HubPages. Right now, I’ve got one on how to make it to your word count goal for NaNoWriMo, or Camp NaNo. I also have one on whether or not it is worth it to go for a theatre major in college, especially if you’re not planning on acting, and even more especially if you’re not planning on acting in New York or L.A. The next one I’m going to get up is going to be on all the tattoos I’ve got, set up to try and help others decide what/where/if to get a tattoo. It’s not up yet, but it will be! My name there is T Nicole C S, so search for me, and check the articles out! I do plan to put more articles up, so hopefully there would be more exciting stuff to read (at least I think it’s exciting).

One Response to Camp Nano Spotlight: Just Add Coffee

  1. transformednonconformist says:

    I haven’t been brave enough to try NaNoWriMo yet. I did NoBloPoMo last year. That was enough.

    Dropping by from A to Z. This is my first year participating.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist


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