N is for Notifications…

April 16, 2012

The Script Frenzy A-Z challenge so farā€¦

There are a few different ways the Script Frenzy website can send you notifications about what’s going on. A lot of them can be managed through the ‘Edit My Notifications’ page, in the ‘My Script Frenzy’ menu.

You can choose to be notified by Email of the on-site FrenzyMail system about new bulletins or new articles posted on the site, about anything new that’s happening in any of the Regional Lounges that you’re connected to, or discussion threads on the forums. Subscribing to notifications for discussion threads can be done two ways. One is to check off the box in your Notification settings that automatically subscribes you to any threads you start.

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B is for Writing Buddies

April 2, 2012

My 2012 A to Z challenge is showcasing Script Frenzy.

Writing, especially writing a 100 page script in 30 days, can be a lonely thing. Sometimes you really need friends to help you through it, to cheer you up when you’re down – or to motivate you with the fact that they’re clearly ahead of you in terms of page count.

That’s what the Script Frenzy writing Buddies system is for. You can tag any other Frenzier as a Buddy of yours, (even if you hate each other, actually, though you probably shouldn’t be a jerk about it.) Once you have your list of buddies set up, anybody who looks at your profile on the site will see your army of Buddies – and how many pages each of them has written so far.

You can find buddies in a lot of ways. You can search for other writers through the search menu of the Script Frenzy site. You can buddy people who’ve sent you a FrenzyMail. Or you can buddy people who you see on the forums – especially people who replied to a forum post that you wrote.

And then you see who can get to 100 pages first.

Who’s your best Writing Buddy?