Q is for Quick Tips

April 19, 2012

The Script Frenzy A-Z challenge so far…

Hi, everybody, how’s it going?

I’ve got another article from the Script Frenzy writer’s resources to link you to tonight – Quick Tips on Shorts. 🙂 I’m not doing a short film, myself – but some of these tips look like they’d be good for short stories too!

N is for Notifications…

April 16, 2012

The Script Frenzy A-Z challenge so far…

There are a few different ways the Script Frenzy website can send you notifications about what’s going on. A lot of them can be managed through the ‘Edit My Notifications’ page, in the ‘My Script Frenzy’ menu.

You can choose to be notified by Email of the on-site FrenzyMail system about new bulletins or new articles posted on the site, about anything new that’s happening in any of the Regional Lounges that you’re connected to, or discussion threads on the forums. Subscribing to notifications for discussion threads can be done two ways. One is to check off the box in your Notification settings that automatically subscribes you to any threads you start.

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L is for Love…

April 13, 2012

The Script Frenzy A-Z so far…

Well, I’ve got another article from the Script Frenzy archive to share with you, and this is one that’s really going to come in handy for me as I navigate the increasingly weird love life of my Jedi-wannabe main character.

The Top Five Reasons to Show Your Story Some Love, by Lauren Gunderson. My favorite bit is the tip about letting good characterization guide your love story and take it someplace unexpected.

Happy weekend, everybody!

E is for Evocative words.

April 5, 2012

The Script Frenzy A-Z challenge so far…

Script Frenzy publishes a lot of ‘Cameo’ articles that might be of use to participants, especially to beginner script writers. One of my favorite Cameos is Reach for the Evocative Word, by Lisa Dostrova. And yes, she’s mostly talking about dialog. 🙂 So go and give the article a look.

What’s your favorite evocative word?