I’m still not sure what to write for Script Frenzy this year.

So – as you might or might know, I serve as local group leader for the Script Frenzy scriptwriting challenge – otherwise known as crazily trying to write a 100-page script in April. It’s an event that I’ve had a lot of fun with.

But April the 1st is drawing near, and I still don’t have – really much of a notion at a script idea this year. All I have is a resolution that I made long ago, that this time I wouldn’t be writing crazy flights of fantasy or far-out space adventures.

I want to write something vaguely producible. As in, if I scraped together some money, some friends, and got a video camera, I could shoot it (or get one of the friends to shoot it,) and edit it myself. Not that I’m necessarily going to – but something that I feel would be within my reach. I guess I’m thinking something indie-video.

But I’m not sure where that leaves me. I know that there are certain story ideas that have excited me without involving magic, space, or for that matter, spies, ninjas, and big guns (which would also be hard to direct on a shoestring.) But I haven’t figured out what could maintain my interest over thirty days and one hundred pages.

I’ve been meaning to go through the ‘Dares’ and ‘Adopt a Plot’ section of the Script Frenzy Forums, and comb through every notion to see if there’s something that I could adapt, or at least something that inspires me. But it’s hard to focus on getting a new idea when I always have more hours of editing to do.

So, blog followers, do you have any ideas for me? Put on your brainstorming caps, nothing is too stupid. 🙂 I’d love to hear any notion you put forward.

4 Responses to I’m still not sure what to write for Script Frenzy this year.

  1. Difficult one…..

    I have considered doing it, but, there are other things I want to do in April so I don’t want to spread myself too thinly 😉

    I understand what you’re saying about wanting to end up with something you could actually produce on a shoe string, but, if the kinda stuff you enjoy writing leads itself more to a big blockbusting Hollywood movie, I say, write it anyway.

    I’m a big believer in the fact that if you’re not enjoying what you write No1 you’ll give up and No2 the fact that you didn’t really enjoy it will come across in your words .

    Good luck xx


  2. I find it a challenge to write a PB, let alone a screenplay. Kudos to you! The only advice I have is to write what you know…keep up the good work.


  3. niicki says:

    You could incorporate your A to Z challenge and write a diary kind of script, where the main character starts with a thought about his day related to the letter of the day, and then flashes back to it and the scene is related to that.

    Or not. I don’t have a script frenzy kind of head, I don’t think. 🙂


  4. Imogen says:

    I have the same problem. I decided about two weeks ago to do Script Frenzy, but haven’t found a plot yet. Uni assignments haven’t helped the problem either. My plan is just to sit down and write something. Probably a bad idea for a new Frenzier, but oh well.


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