Weekend Writing Warriors – Time Bubble Blues #2

Hey everybody! It’s time to be a Weekend Writing Warrior again, and share some more of my new short “The Time Bubble Blues.” Thanks to everybody who commented last week, and big props to the WeWriWa admins. So, here’s my eight sentences for this week!


He pushed the ‘PANIC’ button on the desk. There was no siren, no green light above the door. Jack went to the door and turned the knob—no good. The door was locked and sealed. A computer voice told him, “I’m sorry, this unit has been sealed in order to protect you. Please use the panic button if you need to exit.”

In a few minutes, he’d pushed every panic button in the room, including the one hanging from his belt. None of them worked.

Thanks for reading, everybody – if you haven’t gone already, swing by http://www.wewriwa.com/ to check out the rest of the weekend writing warriors! And I love getting feedback. 🙂

22 Responses to Weekend Writing Warriors – Time Bubble Blues #2

  1. Great set-up. I want to know what happens next.


  2. Gemma Parkes says:

    Exciting read! Tense and descriptive, want to read more!


  3. Oh MY, what a terrific set up! I am literally on the edge of my seat wanting more – excellent excerpt!


  4. Oh wow. This is certainly intriguing. I went back and read your first excerpt, as well. And now I’m all kinds of curious about what a time bubble is, what purpose it serves, what just happened here – and how he’s going to get himself out of this mess. Can’t wait to read more.


  5. Judging by the comments, you’ve hooked us all! Good job.


  6. daezarkian says:

    Nice snippet. Yes, definitely time to panic. ;D


  7. Sara Barnard says:

    I would be panicking too!! Love the snippet!!


  8. *gulp* I feel panicked just reading this. Will he escape? Great snippet. Thank you. 😊


  9. A real cliffhanger. Excellent!


  10. Jianne Carlo says:

    Nice excerpt – now you have to post more next Sunday 🙂


  11. Anne Lange says:

    Can’t wait to read more. What a wonderful teaser!


  12. Kate Warren says:

    Just like technology to not work when it’s most important that it should. Not a good situation. I hope he can find a way out.


  13. DasNuk says:

    Excellent! Very tense!


  14. Shell Flower says:

    I love how there are all those panic buttons available, but none of them work and the computer is all, “Push the panic button.” LOL. That would make me want to panic.


  15. historysleuth1 says:

    Oh wow, I’d be freaking out! You got that point across loud and clear.


  16. Oh Uh. Sounds like an endless loop on the computer.


  17. AJ Bradley says:

    Wow, talk about building tension, well done!


  18. Carol Duff says:

    Where do you turn when none of the panic buttons work? Is that the only danger that he is about to face? Can that computer be moved beyond it’s warning voice?
    I love getting the advance e-mail.


  19. ED Martin says:

    Very intriguing; I went back and read your first excerpt, and I’m very curious now as to what exactly this time bubble is. Good job on hooking the reader!


  20. Panic button on the belt? Interesting…


  21. Awesome tension, I have to read more!!


  22. Debbie says:

    This is fascinating! Hope there’s more to come, next time.


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