Weekend Writing Warriors – Never Found 5

Welcome friends, followers, and Weekend Writing Warriors!

Good morning! I’m sharing eight more sentences from my Nano project “Never Found.” It’s hard to believe that November is almost over, isn’t it? My main character, Tricia, is dealing with a mysterious blonde stranger in her apartment…


Snippet 1 Snippet 2 Snippet 3 Snippet 4

“And I guess I’m curious about what it’s like when other people use magic,” Candice said. “For me, when I use the voice, I have to concentrate when I’m speaking, really emote into it like I’m up on stage, you know? I could hardly do shit until after I took drama class, if you can believe it. And it helps if I’m touching the person, or just touched them a few seconds ago.”

Tricia stormed back into the bachelorette room, fully dressed, and grabbed the flattest pair of shoes she could find. “So is that why I agreed to go with you to see this Vinny guy? You used your own mojo on me, there outside my door?”

“Well, I pushed you a little, yeah.”

Visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors at http://www.wewriwa.com/

4 Responses to Weekend Writing Warriors – Never Found 5

  1. Such an interesting story, loving all the twists and turns and this discussion of “magic voice” was great. Excellent snippet!


  2. noelleg44 says:

    Love the magic voice and that Candice was able to admit to Tricia she’s used it on her!


  3. caitlinstern says:

    Interesting mix of honesty and manipulation, there. She didn’t admit what she’d done until Tricia was committed to leaving with her.


  4. ED Martin says:

    I like your explanation of how she uses the magic – it makes your story more original.


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