Weekend Writing Warriors – Love is a Masterpiece 8

Welcome friends, followers, and Weekend Writing Warriors!

Continuing with sentences from ‘Love is a Masterpiece’ this week. We’ve been learning more about what Frigga’s tunnel of love means to the other couples waiting in line, but Cassandra hasn’t stopped looking for a way out…


Snippet 1 Snippet 2 Snippet 3 Snippet 4 Snippet 5 Snippet 6 Snippet 7

When she thought Geoffrey was busy enough with another conversation, Cassandra leaned close to Henry and whispered, “Would you like to make a little money?”

He shrugged, his eyes steady on her face and his mouth an even line. “That depends on what I’d have to do to earn it, miss.”

“Just pretend to get into an argument or…”

Raven cleared her throat. “You want us to create a disruption or a distraction. What will you do then?”

Cassandra hesitated, not sure how she could explain. 

Visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors at http://www.wewriwa.com/.

7 Responses to Weekend Writing Warriors – Love is a Masterpiece 8

  1. Yes,LOL, what will Cassandra do if they help her. I love reading to see where this goes 🙂


  2. Millie Burns says:

    Hmm, what kind of distraction and what outcome?


  3. Cassandra you better explain it. Sounds like you bit off more than you can chew.


  4. Cassandra really has my curiousity up, as to her plans. Excellent excerpt!


  5. Gemma Parkes says:

    Tricky! intriguing snippet, great exchange.


  6. caitlinstern says:

    Still trying to get away. I admire her guts, but I don’t see an escape from her scary, scary mother.


  7. Aheïla says:

    Complex situation and intriguing discussion. I like it!
    (Sorry about being a week late on this, better late than never.)


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