Weekend Writing Warriors – Measuring Alien Love on a Kitchen Scale 7

Welcome friends, followers, and Weekend Writing Warriors!

This week, I’m continuing with the sample chapters of my unfinished Nano. Gordon is surprised to be out to dinner with a beautiful girl and her alien sweetie, and he’s telling them a bit of his family history…


Snippet 1 Snippet 2 Snippet 3 Snippet 4 Snippet 5 Snippet 6

“When I was thirteen, I started to get interested in cooking, myself. Mother suggested some good training programs for adolescent chefs… actually no, that’s not right. Mother picked out ONE program and actually enrolled me in it, but my father pulled me out of that one. He said it needed to be my choice, not hers, so then she offered half a dozen alternative courses, and I picked one.”

“I think I’m sensing some mommy issues,” Vanessa said.

“I guess she was used to being in charge, especially when it came to the kitchen. Wyatt was her birth name; did you know that? Dad agreed to change his, when they married, because she was the brand, the star.”

Visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors at http://www.wewriwa.com/.

7 Responses to Weekend Writing Warriors – Measuring Alien Love on a Kitchen Scale 7

  1. Kitty says:

    Nice snippet! I’m going to have to go back to the others to catch up. 🙂 Happy writing!


  2. This is a fascinating story, hard to see where the alien fits in. But a terrific snippet, I was completely drawn into wanting to kn ow more about her past. And her parents. And….


  3. I like this a lot. Mommy issues. Too funny. Always use humor even in the worst of times. Looking forward to what happens next.


  4. Sounds like he’s not totally comfortable with his mother being so dominant.


  5. caitlinstern says:

    “I’m sensing some mommy issues.”

    His mom sounds like she wanted to continue the legacy, but I don’t think cooking skills are hereditary.


  6. chellecordero says:

    Sounds like he is rattling on out of nerves or something, interesting.


  7. Briane Pagel says:

    I ran out of time to do more than leave a brief comment, but this was really good — even in snippets I can see the creativity!


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