Happy May two-four weekend!

May 21, 2012

It’s Victoria Day today, and the long weekend is informally known in parts of Ontario as ‘May two-four’, as the holiday falls on the Monday on or before May twenty-fourth. To me, the May long weekend has marked the start of summertime for a long while.

This weekend, I’ve had a fairly quiet weekend, sticking close to home, partly because of work stuff – we were asked to keep an eye on our email in case there were support requests from customers in the states, and my brand-new Droid work phone isn’t admitting that it has a data plan yet, so I can only check email over wi-fi. Sigh.

But it’s been a good weekend anyway – I met up with Elizabeth Twist for a coffeeshop write-in yesterday, drove around last night in a somewhat ill-fated attempt to find a parking place for the fireworks show, and I’m heading over to visit with my Mom later this afternoon. I also got some cooking done, storing away leftovers for next week and possibly longer, and finally started serious work on my new revision of my ‘Father Ismay’ story. The hobgoblins are going to get changed into wolf people, for one thing.

So, what were you up to on the weekend? If you’re in the US, do you have big plans for Memorial Day?

Six Sentence Sunday – Odin vs Melanie, continued.

January 1, 2012

Thanks for all the great feedback last time, guys, and I hope that you had a great Christmas, and a Happy New Year’s Eve.

I’m going to skip a bit further into the scene, for some more Odin/Melanie fireworks. Personally, I like Odin, and he becomes a much more sympathetic ‘personality’ later on in the novel. But he’s by-the-book, and that’s not always a good thing when it comes to women and getting pregnant…

“‘At the end of the hiatus period, adjusting as necessary considering the projected course and the rates of death, such measures shall be taken as necessary to ensure the birth of the new generation and that it shall be optimal for the genetic health of the community, according to mission requirements.'”

“You can quote that straight out of the rulebook, huh?” Melanie nearly spat back at Odin. “You’re handing us the letter of the regulation to cover your digital butt, and of course we could never get you on a violation of those. All that you’re good at is following rules. But – but these are human lives that you’re toying with, Odin – dammit, you should have told us!”

I nearly rolled my eyes – it’s like Melanie to lose her temper at Odin, but of course it doesn’t really accomplish anything.